Loneliness, social isolation, and social exclusionInequalities in access, use, and consequences of (social) mediaLoneliness, social isolation, and social exclusionPhD dissertation Loneliness, social isolation, and social…Read more
Perspectives on Youth Work in Luxembourg (PYL)The study “Perspectives on Youth Work in Luxembourg (PYL)”, commissioned by MENJE and carried out at the Centre for Childhood…Read more
Learning Expertise and Research Network (LEARN)The Learning Expertise and Research Network – short LEARN – is a group of scientists and practitioners who have an…Read more
Happy with Luxembourg’s Covid Curriculum?Data from the Youth Survey Luxembourg, as well as from the study Young People and COVID-19 (YAC) enabled Laurent Langehegermann…Read more
Works on the Youth Report 2025 have startedFollowing the Youth Report 2020, which was able to present findings on the well-being and health of young people in…Read more
Groupe de travail : Les jeunes et les addictions – perspectives de la science et de la pratiqueInscrivez-vous dès maintenant au Groupe de travail « Les jeunes et les addictions – perspectives de la science et de la…Read more
Happy in COVID-19 times?In this policy brief, we present the results of a recent study conducted at the Centre for Childhood and Youth…Read more
Book launch – Well-being and Health in Adolescence: You are invited!On 06 July 2022, the book launch – Well-being and Health in Adolescence – will start at 18:00. The editors…Read more
HBSC Survey 2022What is the state of health and well-being of young people in Luxembourg? To answer this question, over 8,000 schoolchildren…Read more