Publications on youth in Luxembourg as downloads: PDFs, grey literature, open access documents from the CCY and many others who also publish on this topic.
Heterogene Lerngruppen in Europa inklusionsorientiert unterrichten: Inspirierende Praktiken und Erkenntnisse aus Deutschland, Island, Litauen, Luxemburg, Schweden und Spanien
Year: 2021
Author: Anneli Schwartz, Bengt Persson, Cecilia Simón, Edda Óskarsdóttir, Elisabeth Persson, Geraldo Echeita, Hafdis Guðjónsdóttir, Heike Tiemann, Jóhanna Karlsdóttir, Justin J.W. Powell, Katja Webe, Kerstin Merz-Atalik, Lina Miltenienė, Marta Sandoval, Michelle Brendel, Rita Melienė, Stefania Ališauskienė
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