Groupe de travail : Les jeunes et les addictions – perspectives de la science et de la pratiquepublished on 10. January 2023Year: 2023Author: Josepha NellRead more
Delayed suicidality?published on 14. October 2022Year: 2022Author: Lea Schomaker, Robin SamuelRead more
Book launch – Well-being and Health in Adolescence: You are invited!published on 20. June 2022Year: 2022Author: Andreas Heinen, Claus Vögele, Helmut Willems, Robin SamuelRead more
Beyond the Pandemic? Young People Must Remain in the Focus of Researchpublished on 6. May 2022Year: 2022Author: Moritz HöpnerRead more
Synopsis des principaux résultatspublished on 31. December 2021Year: 2021Author: Andreas Heinen, Anette Schumacher, Emanuel Schembri, Helmut Willems, Robin SamuelRead more
Défis pour la politique et la pratiquepublished on 31. December 2021Year: 2021Author: Andreas Heinen, Anette Schumacher, Helmut Willems, Robin SamuelRead more
Tabellenband – Jugendbericht 2020published on 31. December 2021Year: 2021Author: Caroline Residori, Emanuel Schembri, Hamid Bulut, Robin SamuelRead more
Konzeption des Jugendberichtespublished on 31. December 2021Year: 2021Author: Andreas Heinen, Anette Schumacher, Helmut Willems, Robin SamuelRead more