Conceptualisation of the Framework Plan for Child and Family Supportpublished on 1. January 2017Year: 2017, 2018, 2019Read more
Zum Alkoholkonsum Jugendlicher innerhalb der Peergruppe und im öffentlichen Raumpublished on 31. December 2016Year: 2016Author: Patrice Joachim, Sandra Biewers GrimmRead more
Research on ‘Youth in Action’ projects in Luxembourg: The variety of learning effects on participantspublished on 8. November 2016Year: 2016Author: Christiane MeyersRead more
Midterm Evaluation of the “Erasmus+” Programme Luxembourg (2014-2016)published on 1. January 2016Year: 2016, 2017Read more
Evaluation of the Pilot Project “Outreach Youth Work”published on 1. January 2016Year: 2016, 2017, 2018Read more
Evaluation of Luxembourg’s Social Servicespublished on 1. January 2016Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019Read more
Gestaltung von Jugendpolitik als transversale Kooperationpublished on 31. December 2015Year: 2015Author: Caroline Residori, Claudine Reichert, Helmut Willems, Sandra Biewers GrimmRead more
Building strategic cooperation: The implementation of cross-sectoral youth policy in Luxembourgpublished on 6. November 2015Year: 2015Author: Caroline Residori, Claudine Reichert, Helmut Willems, Sandra Biewers GrimmRead more
Selbstevaluation als ein Baustein der Qualitätssicherungpublished on 31. December 2014Year: 2014Author: Helmut Willems, Sandra BiewersRead more