Prof. Dr Robin Samuel is Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Childhood and Youth Research (CCY) at the University of Luxembourg.
Youth Survey Luxembourg (YSL)
How satisfied are young people with their lives? What fears do they feel? How committed are they? The Youth Survey Luxembourg answers questions like these. It also determines the extent to which answers to these questions depend on aspects such as age, gender and social status.

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What is the Youth Survey Luxembourg all about?
The Youth Survey Luxembourg sheds light on various aspects of young people’s lives in Luxembourg, such as health, political participation and social engagement.
For this purpose, a comprehensive survey takes place every five years. Under special circumstances, interim surveys are conducted.
The YAC survey, for example, is an interim survey of the Youth Survey specifically aimed at researching the COVID-19 pandemic.
A comprehensive survey is conducted every five years for this purpose. In special circumstances, interim surveys are conducted.
The YAC survey, for example, is an interim survey of the Youth Survey specifically aimed at researching the COVID-19 pandemic.
What data basis and methodology does the Youth Survey Luxembourg use?
The Youth Survey Luxembourg is a representative online survey targeting 16-29-year-old residents of Luxembourg. To ensure that the data is accurate and representative of this target group, the University of Luxembourg, in collaboration with the Centre des technologies de l’Information de l’État (CTIE), selects individuals from the National Register of Persons (RNPP). Eligible participants will be selected using a proportionally stratified random sample. Here, the distribution by age, gender and canton is considered.
The selected respondents will first be contacted through personalized postal invitations with further information about the project and its privacy policy. The selected respondents will voluntarily answer the survey online via computer-assisted web interviews. A website created specifically for the Youth Survey Luxembourg is used for this purpose, where both information materials and access to the survey itself can be found.
The Youth Survey Luxembourg questionnaire uses questions and indicators that are well established in international science in order to allow comparability of the analyses to other studies, but also to ensure the validity of the chosen indicators. Due to regional and national specificities, the questions were partially adapted in terms of wording and answer options.
The YAC+ project has also benefited from the Youth Survey Luxembourg data basis and methodology and is largely based on the same methodology.
What is the relationship between individual, regularly appearing publications from the Youth Survey Luxembourg?
With each survey of the Youth Survey Luxembourg (2019, 2024, …) a Technical Report is published. This report provides comprehensive information on the methodological parameters of the Youth Survey Luxembourg. The report provides information on the development and conceptual basis of the questionnaire, the sampling procedure, the data collection and the processing of the data set.
This information is important in order to guarantee e.g. researchers or experts detailed insights into the data basis and development of the Youth Survey Luxembourg. The Technical Report is in a way a documentation of all steps from the planning to the final analysis of the survey.
Each survey wave of the Youth Survey Luxembourg is accompanied by such a Technical Report in order to document the research process in detail. The surveys of the YAC Survey are also accompanied by such Technical Reports.
Why is the Youth Survey Luxembourg important?
The 2010 and 2015 Luxembourg Youth Reports identified a need for representative data on adolescents and young adults living in Luxembourg. Existing surveys targeting this group usually focused only on sociodemographic aspects or specific topics.
Until then, there was a lack of tools to better understand how young people in Luxembourg shape their lives, what they feel, what they think, and what their ambitions are. Based on this insight, the Youth Survey Luxembourg was launched in 2018 as a collaborative project between the University of Luxembourg and the Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse.
The overall objective of the Youth Survey Luxembourg is to fulfill the principles set out in the “Loi du 4 juillet 2008 sur la Jeunesse in Luxembourg” by monitoring and documenting various aspects of the situation of young people in Luxembourg.
The analysis of the Youth Survey Luxembourg provides essential findings for the Luxembourg Youth Reports and other ongoing research projects at the University of Luxembourg. In addition, this unique data source generates research findings that support the efforts of professionals, researchers, and ministries to improve the lives of young people in Luxembourg and enable evidence-based policy.