Inequalities in access, use, and consequences of (social) media

Loneliness, social isolation, and social exclusion

PhD dissertation

Loneliness, social isolation, and social exclusion are significant challenges in our society as they can be major contributors to many mental and physical health problems (Hemberg et al., 2022; Entringer et al., 2020; Reinwarth & Cihlar, 2021; Qualter et al., 2015; Cacioppo & Patrick, 2008).

The Covid-19 pandemic in particular has raised public awareness of the issue of loneliness, as many people have had to forgo social interactions due to containment measures.

So far, social science research on loneliness has mainly focused on older people, while there is limited research on feelings of loneliness, social exclusion and isolation among adolescents and young adults (Verity et al., 2022; Hemberg et al., 2022).

My PhD project aims to fill this research gap and develop a better understanding of loneliness in young people, including the influence of media use.


At a glance


October 2023 – Spring/ Summer 2027


Prof. Robin Samuel

CET Members

Prof. Isabelle Albert (,
Prof. Keming Yang (Durham University)


Quantitative analyses (regressions, latent cluster analyses), open for additional methods.

Research question

The impact of technology and social media on social isolation is an ongoing area of research that is constantly evolving. Studies have shown that excessive use of social media can have negative effects on the health of young people, but the use of social media is one of the main channels of communication (Smith et al., 2021). On the other hand, social media communication has an impact on real life relationships (ibid.). This leads to the overarching research question:

What impact do inequalities in access to, use of and outcomes from (social) media have on social exclusion, social isolation, and loneliness?

Societal relevance

Social exclusion, isolation and loneliness are challenges for society as a whole that should be analysed sociologically. As the origins and consequences have a multidimensional impact on social cohesion and have more than just health consequences (Yang, 2019).

When people feel isolated and excluded, this can lead to a fragmentation of society. The lack of social connection can lead to a loss of trust in social institutions and an increase in mistrust and tension.

A society characterised by social isolation can struggle to maintain strong social cohesion. Cohesion in a society is often based on shared values, shared experiences, and social bonds. When people feel isolated, this can lead to a lack of solidarity and collective action.

Cacioppo, J. T., & Patrick, W. (2008). Loneliness: Human nature and the need for social connection. WW Norton & Company.

Entringer, T., Kröger, H., Schupp, J., Kühne, S., Liebig, S., Goebel, J., Grabka, M., Graeber, D., Kroh, M., Schröder, C., Seebauer, J. & Zinn, S. (2020). Psychische Krise durch Covid-19? Sorgen sinken, Einsamkeit steigt, Lebenszufriedenheit bleibt stabil. SOEPpapers on Mulitdisciplinary Panel Data Research, 1087, 1-36.

Hemberg, J., Östman, L., Korzhina, Y., Groundstroem, H., Nyström, L., & Nyman-Kurkiala, P. (2022). Loneliness as experienced by adolescents and young adults: an explorative qualitative study. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 27(1), 362-384.

Qualter P., Vanhalst J., Harris R., Van Roekel E., Lodder G., Bangee M., Maes M., Verhagen M. (2015). Loneliness across the life span. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10(2), 250–264.

Reinwarth, A. & Cihlar, V. (2021). Soziale Isolation im höheren Erwachsenenalter: Einflüsse von Lebenssituationen, sozioökonomischer Lage und Gesundheit. Bevölkerungsforschung aktuell, (3), 1-14.

Smith, D., Leonis, T., & Anandavalli, S. (2021). Belonging and loneliness in cyberspace: impacts of social media on adolescents’ well-being. Australian Journal of Psychology, 73(1), 12-23.

Verity, L., Yang, K., Nowland, R., Shankar, A., Turnbull, M., & Qualter, P. (2022). Loneliness From the Adolescent Perspective: A Qualitative Analysis of Conversations About Loneliness Between Adolescents and Childline Counselors. Journal of Adolescent Research.

Yang, K. (2019). Loneliness: A social Problem. Routledge.


Charlotte Haußmann

Charlotte Haußmann

Charlotte Haußmann is a scientific project collaborator for the Youth Survey Luxembourg (YSL) and a doctoral researcher at the Centre for Childhood and Youth Research (CCY) at the University of Luxembourg.

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Samuel Robin

Robin Samuel

Prof. Dr Robin Samuel is Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Childhood and Youth Research (CCY) at the University of Luxembourg.

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