Youth Survey Luxembourg

More than 5000 young people took the Youth Survey Luxembourg (YSL)

YSL survey wave 2024

Moritz Höpner

The Youth Survey Luxembourg (YSL) started a new survey wave in spring 2024. This is a great success, as it continues a nationally representative survey that will also contribute to the Youth Report 2025. The current survey wave was completed this summer. The Youth Survey Luxembourg team has now moved on to analyzing the data collected.

The respondents of the Youth Survey Luxembourg

The researchers driving this monitoring project at the Center for Childhood and Youth Research (CCY) were able to invite 21,850 young people in Luxembourg between the ages of 12 and 29 with the help of the CTIE. At the end of the survey wave, 5307 respondents had visited the online survey, and 3895 respondents had answered the entire questionnaire.

The young people were asked about their health, well-being, occupation and socio-economic background – questions that have been covered in every previous survey wave and that have been asked again now to be able to correlate the response data over the observation periods.

Questions on digitalization in the Youth Survey Luxembourg

Questions on digitalization are the most recent addition to the Youth Survey Luxembourg. The researchers want to use these to collect data that will enable representative statements to be made on the digitality of young people’s lifeworlds, particularly regarding the Youth Report 2025. The work on the Youth Survey Luxembourg is characterized by efforts to provide an evidence-based assessment of the situation of young people in Luxembourg.

This challenging task is being carried out at the CCY by experienced social researchers together with aspiring young scientists:

“I was able to work on a project that surpassed my previous efforts and learned to work with the team to successfully design and conduct the survey,” says PhD student Gilles Scheifer.