Wissenschaftlichen Beirat

(c) Moritz Höpner

Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board

Youth Report 2025

Moritz Höpner

On May 3, 2024, the youth reporting team met for the first time with the Scientific Advisory Board to accompany the Youth Report 2025. The meeting took place at the University of Luxembourg where also representatives of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (MENJE) were present.

In line with the thematic focus of the Youth Report, the exchange focused on “youth and digitalization”.

About the Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board accompanies and supports the team of the Youth Report 2025 with its expertise. It is one of two bodies that are on hand for the Youth Report 2025, where experts and professionals from different disciplines and fields come together to discuss and advise the researchers.

In addition to the Scientific Advisory Board, there is also the Steering Committee (Comité de pilotage) consisting of representatives from the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth as well as the University of Luxembourg.

Furthermore, there have been (and will possibly be) workshops open to professionals from the various fields that relate to digitalisation and digitality in their professional practice in Luxembourg.

Course of the meeting

After welcoming the guests, the historical, legal, and political framework for scientific youth reporting in Luxembourg was presented. In particular, the very nature of the Luxembourg National Youth Report was emphasized which, at the interface of science, policy, and practice, provides the basis for the National Youth Action Plan (Jugendpakt) and thus for evidence-based youth policy.

It should be noted that the current Jugendpakt 2022-2025 is based on the findings of the Youth Report 2020.

Wissenschaftlichen Beirat Scientific Advisory Board

Theoretical concepts and focal points of the Youth Report 2025 were then presented and discussed. After a short break, the data basis and methods of the Youth Report 2025 were discussed.

Various approaches such as the Youth Survey Luxembourg, secondary data analysis and qualitative surveys of young people and their parents were presented.

Key topics were presented during the poster session

An insight into the outline opened a lively and fruitful discussion on the main topics of the constituent chapters of the Youth Report 2025, which took the form of parallel poster sessions.

Wissenschaftlichen Beirat Scientific Advisory Board

This gave participants the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas and provide feedback. The researchers had prepared interactive and dynamic forms of presentation for this: the members of the Scientific Advisory Board were able to express their expertise directly on post-it notes that were attached to the posters during the discussions.

Wissenschaftlichen Beirat Scientific Advisory Board

Back in plenary, an outlook on the next steps was given. Participants had the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas for the future and plan the next steps.

Opportunity to exchange ideas during the visit to the Belval Blast Furnace followed by dinner

After the meeting, the group visited the Belval Blast Furnace. The day ended with a shared dinner, where participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere.

Overall, the meeting was an important step in the creation of the Luxembourg Youth Report 2025 and provided an excellent platform for exchanging ideas and planning the next steps.

Wissenschaftlichen Beirat Scientific Advisory Board

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