Rapport national sur l’éducation au Luxembourg 2021Year: 2021Downloadspublished on 31. December 2021Read more
Die soziale Entwicklung Luxemburgs in ZahlenYear: 2020Downloadspublished on 31. December 2020Read more
Die soziale Entwicklung Luxemburgs in ZahlenYear: 2019Downloadspublished on 31. December 2019Read more
Die soziale Entwicklung Luxemburgs in ZahlenYear: 2018Downloadspublished on 31. December 2018Read more
Sleep disturbances and mental strain in university students: Results from an online survey in Luxembourg and GermanyYear: 2017Downloadspublished on 31. December 2017Read more
Die soziale Entwicklung Luxemburgs in ZahlenYear: 2017Downloadspublished on 31. December 2017Read more
Die soziale Entwicklung Luxemburgs in ZahlenYear: 2016Downloadspublished on 31. December 2016Read more
What enhances the life satisfaction of postgraduates who studied in Luxembourg, in the EU or out-EU universities?Year: 2016Downloadspublished on 31. December 2016Read more