Rapport technique bis. Comment va la vie au Luxembourg?Year: 2012Downloadspublished on 31. December 2012Read more
Die soziale Entwicklung Luxemburgs in ZahlenYear: 2012Downloadspublished on 31. December 2012Read more
Recent policy developments related to those not in employment, education and training (NEETs)Year: 2012Downloadspublished on 31. December 2012Read more
Psychosocial risk and protective factors of secondary school dropout in Luxembourg: The protocol of an exploratory case-control studyYear: 2011Downloadspublished on 31. December 2011Read more
Le décrochage scolaire au Luxembourg. Année scolaire 2008/2009Year: 2011Downloadspublished on 31. December 2011Read more
Die soziale Entwicklung Luxemburgs in ZahlenYear: 2010Downloadspublished on 31. December 2010Read more
Die soziale Entwicklung Luxemburgs in ZahlenYear: 2009Downloadspublished on 31. December 2009Read more