
“Among all of the potential pathologies of adolescence, perhaps none is more worrisome than suicide. That suicidal adolescents are more likely to actually die by suicide than suicidal adults suggests that the phenomenon’s importance cannot be overstated (Brabant and Hébert 2013). And suicide themselves are often preceded by an intermediate stage, called suicidality (or the state of being suicidal) (O’Carroll et al. 1996). Suicidality typically is described along a spectrum of behaviors and thought. Among the most common aspects of suicidality considered are suicidal ideation (thinking about suicide), suicide plans (taking concrete steps toward suicide and having the intent to die), suicide attempts (going through with suicide plans that are not lethal), and completed suicide (intentionally self-inflicted death) (see, e.g., Liu and Miller 2014).”

Reference: Levesque, R. J. (2018). Suicidality. In R. J. R. Levesque, Encyclopedia of adolescence (2nd ed.). Springer Science+Business Media.

See also