Trends from 2006 – 2018 in health behaviour, health outcomes and social context of adolescents in LuxembourgYear: 2020Downloadspublished on 31. December 2020Read more
Adolescent body dissatisfaction in contrasting socioeconomic milieus, coming from a French and Luxembourgish contextYear: 2019Downloadspublished on 31. December 2019Read more
The influence of socio-economic status on the risk of being overweight or underweight in adolescents in LuxembourgYear: 2019Downloadspublished on 31. December 2019Read more
Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden von Kindern und Jugendlichen in LuxemburgYear: 2018Downloadspublished on 31. December 2018Read more
Adolescent obesity and related behaviours: Trends and inequalities in the WHO European Region, 2002–2014Year: 2017Downloadspublished on 31. December 2017Read more
Does relative and subjective family affluence influence overweight, body image and weight reduction behaviour of adolescents in Luxembourg?Year: 2017Downloadspublished on 19. June 2017Read more
Growing inequalities and their impacts in LuxembourgYear: 2013Downloadspublished on 31. December 2013Read more