Evaluation du dispositif Revenu d’Inclusion Sociale – REVISpublished on 21. July 2023Year: 2023Author: Adrienne Lambo Ouafo, Alessio Fusco, Anne-Sophie Genevois, Blandine Lejealle, Jordane Segura, Kristell Leduc, Patrick Thill, Roland Maas, Silvia GirardiRead more
Qui sont les candidats à un logement en location abordable au Luxembourg?published on 4. July 2023Year: 2023Read more
Typologie et caractérisation des quartiers de la capitalepublished on 1. March 2023Year: 2023Author: Frederic Durand, Natalia ZdanowskaRead more
Observatoire social de la Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzettepublished on 31. December 2020Year: 2020Author: Antoine Decoville, Joe Birsens, Valérie FeltgenRead more
Zwischenbewertung der Ergebnisse der Reform des Elternurlaubs im Jahr 2016published on 31. December 2020Year: 2020Author: Anissa Amjahad, Anne-Sophie Genevois, Kristell Leduc, Marie Valentova, Roland MaasRead more
Expanding access to universal childcare: Effects on childcare arrangements and maternal employmentpublished on 31. December 2019Year: 2019Author: Audrey BousselinRead more
Zentrale Ergebnisse und Herausforderungenpublished on 31. December 2017Year: 2017Author: Andreas Heinz, Helmut WillemsRead more