European Youth


The survey consulted around 11,000 young Europeans aged 15 to 30. It shows that they mostly agree with the need to: promote critical thinking and the ability to search for information to combat fake news and extremism (49%); provide easy access to information about moving and working abroad (49%); promote behavioural change through environmentally-friendly initiatives such as sustainable transport or recycling systems across Europe (40%). Other main findings: more than half of young Europeans consider education and skills as the top priority that the EU should tackle, with environmental protection and fighting climate change second, followed by employment, and the management of migratory flows and integration of refugees; 31% of respondents stated that they had been involved in organised voluntary activities in the last 12 months; more than half belong to sports clubs, youth clubs or local non-governmental organisations; 64% of respondents say that they have voted in an election in the last 3 years.

Suggested Citation

European Commission & Directorate General Education and Culture. (2018). European Youth: Report (Flash Eurobarometer Nr. 455).

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