Herausforderungen der Jugend

Conference “Challenges of the youth”

We look forward to exchanging ideas with you!

We’re taking part in the annual conference of the Luxembourg Parliament organised by the Cellule scientifique de la Chambre des députés!

Parliament invites you to get an idea of the “challenges facing young people in Luxembourg”. The conference will take place on 23 and 24 May at the Cercle Cité.

The different points of the programme can be consulted in the provisional conference plan. We would like to draw your attention to the following points in the programme:

Panel 3: Health and well-being

On 24 May from 11.00 to 12.45, Dr Carolina Catunda, Principal Investigator for the HBSC study, will take part in the “Health and well-being of young people in Luxembourg” panel.

Poster session

We will be represented by posters on five different themes:

Well-being and health of young people

Where are the results of the Youth Report 2020 heading?

Risk-taking behaviour and trust in government

How have young people in Luxembourg dealt with measures to protect them from COVID-19?

Non-communicable diseases

What are the determinants of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and psychological disorders among young people in Luxembourg?

Youth clubs and youth work in an open environment

What educational potential do young people see in the non-formal and extra-curricular training facilities on offer in Luxembourg?

Young LGBTI* people in Luxembourg

How are they doing, what do they need?

Information stand youth-in-luxembourg.lu

The Digital Documentation and Research Centre will be running an information stand on the first day of the conference, from 16:00 to 17:00.

You will be able to ask questions about the transfer of knowledge from research to society.

We particularly look forward to your interest in the youth-in-luxembourg.lu website and its publications.

Challenges of the youth: Have you heard of "youth-in-luxembourg.lu"?


This event will provide an opportunity for collective reflection and the exchange of ideas, with the aim of finding innovative and collaborative solutions to the challenges facing young people in Luxembourg.

The programme and registration details are available and regularly updated on the Chamber of Deputies website. Participation in the conference is free and open to all.

Simultaneous translation into French and English will be provided. The Scientific Unit remains at your disposal for any further information.