Young People and COVID-19How do young people in Luxembourg deal with the social, economic and health consequences of COVID-19 prevention? Are they complying…Read more
Youth Survey Luxembourg (YSL)The Youth Survey Luxembourg collects data every five years on aspects of young people’s lives in Luxembourg such as health,…Read more
From University into the App Store?CatMesNEET is a catalog accessible to youth workers and social workers who work with young people. Soon, the adapted catalog…Read more
Robin Samuel Interviewed by ContactoJournalist Paula Santos Ferreira of Contacto asked Prof. Dr. Robin Samuel for his views on the possible consequences of the…Read more
Catalog of Measures for Young NEETs (CatMesNEET)The step from school to working life is a major challenge for most young people. Some young people do not…Read more
2020 Youth ReportAlive and kicking? Luxembourg’s 2020 Youth Report provides scientific findings on the health and well-being of young people. The Youth…Read more
Youth WikiYouth Wiki is the online encyclopedia for youth policies in Europe. The platform offers an extensive database on youth structures,…Read more
Living situations and experiences of LGBT* youth in Luxembourg (LEJULU)Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* (LGBT*) youth in Luxembourg officially enjoy the same rights as their heterosexual and non-trans* peers.…Read more
Monitoring of the “Youth in Action” Programme Luxembourg (RAY-MON) (2014-2020)Monitoring of the "Youth in Action" Programme Luxembourg (2014-2020)RAY-MONWorking area Research and evaluation non-formal education published on 1. January 2014updated…Read more