Robin SamuelProf. Dr Robin Samuel is Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Childhood and Youth Research (CCY) at the…Read more
Conference “Challenges of the youth”We’re taking part in the annual conference of the Luxembourg Parliament organised by the Cellule scientifique de la Chambre des…Read more
Meeting of the Scientific Advisory BoardOn May 3, 2024, the youth reporting team met for the first time with the Scientific Advisory Board to accompany…Read more
HBSC report on mental health: Luxembourg adolescent’s well-being: girls worse off than boysThe Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Luxembourg Mental health report has been published. Focusing on adolescents’ mental health and…Read more
Digitalisation in the youth sector: Practitioners and researchers discuss key potentials and challengesThe workshop focused on the work for the Youth Report 2025, which is being prepared by researchers at the Centre…Read more
Work on the Youth Report 2025 enters the next phase!The year 2024 is off to a productive and exciting start as the Youth Report 2025 enters the next phase…Read more
Loneliness, social isolation, and social exclusionInequalities in access, use, and consequences of (social) mediaLoneliness, social isolation, and social exclusionPhD dissertation published on 1. October 2023updated…Read more
Happy with Luxembourg’s Covid Curriculum?Data from the Youth Survey Luxembourg, as well as from the study Young People and COVID-19 (YAC) enabled Laurent Langehegermann…Read more
Beyond the Pandemic? Young People Must Remain in the Focus of ResearchBeyond the pandemic? CCY researchers have written an article for Lëtzebuerger Land (06.05.2022) about young people’s perspectives on the Covid…Read more
How does unemployment factor into job application processes?What factors influence an application process? Dr. Tamara Gutfleisch researched this for the Luxembourg labor market in the study EDYPOLU…Read more
Educational experiences in non-formal settingsWhich educational experiences do young people have when they participate in youth work activities or when they are active in…Read more
Young People and COVID-19How do young people in Luxembourg deal with the social, economic and health consequences of COVID-19 prevention? Are they complying…Read more