Daniel WeisDaniel Weis is a scientific project collaborator for the study “Potential and Value of Education-Oriented Youth Work”. He is a…Read more
In discussion: “Youth work in the digital age – does a youth center still have a future?”Dr. Sandra Biewers was invited as a speaker at the “soziale Stamminet” on 13.06.2024 and spoke at the Pfaffenthaler Oekosoph…Read more
Conference “Challenges of the youth”We’re taking part in the annual conference of the Luxembourg Parliament organised by the Cellule scientifique de la Chambre des…Read more
Digitalisation in the youth sector: Practitioners and researchers discuss key potentials and challengesThe workshop focused on the work for the Youth Report 2025, which is being prepared by researchers at the Centre…Read more
Perspectives on Youth Work in Luxembourg (PYL)The study “Perspectives on Youth Work in Luxembourg (PYL)”, commissioned by MENJE and carried out at the Centre for Childhood…Read more
Views on youth workMore than 200 youth workers and professionals from different areas of the youth sector in Luxembourg came to Forum Geesseknäppchen…Read more
Workshop Youth WorkRegister now for the workshop Youth Work on 14/06/2023, from 9:00 to 12:30 at the “Centre de Conférences” of the…Read more
Educational experiences in non-formal settingsWhich educational experiences do young people have when they participate in youth work activities or when they are active in…Read more
Midterm Evaluation of the “Erasmus+” Programme Luxembourg (2014-2016)Midterm Evaluation of the "Erasmus+" Programme Luxembourg (2014-2016)Working area Research and evaluation non-formal education published on 1. January 2016updated on…Read more
Evaluation of the Pilot Project “Outreach Youth Work”The aim of the project, implemented by the Entente des Gestionnaires des Maisons de Jeunes (EGMJ) together with five youth…Read more
2015 Youth ReportGrowing up – but how? The Luxembourg 2015 Youth Report provides scientific findings on the life situation of young people…Read more
Learning Effects in the “Youth in Action” ProgrammeThe study examines for the first time non-formal learning and education processes in the Luxembourg projects of the European Union’s…Read more