Works on the Youth Report 2025 have startedFollowing the Youth Report 2020, which was able to present findings on the well-being and health of young people in…Read more
Book launch – Well-being and Health in Adolescence: You are invited!On 06 July 2022, the book launch – Well-being and Health in Adolescence – will start at 18:00. The editors…Read more
Young People and Covid-19 II: Evolution 2020 to 2021, Vaccination Willingness, and Impact of the PandemicThis document provides an overview of the empirical basis for the results we present in the report “Young People and…Read more
Does physical activity moderate the influence of sedentary behavior on health in young people?PURPOSE: High level of sedentary behavior (SB) may cause a number of health complaints (nHC) and lead to reduced self-rated…Read more
Tabellenband – Jugendbericht 2020Im Rahmen des Jugendberichtes 2020 wurden von dem Forschungsteam des Centre for Childhood and Youth Research (CCY) im Department of…Read more
Young People and Covid-19 II: Desenvolvimentos de 2020 a 2021, disposição para a vacinação e impacto da pandemiaO estudo YAC da Universidade do Luxemburgo tem como objetivo retratar exaustivamente a situação dos jovens dos 12 aos 29…Read more
Young People and Covid-19 II: Evolution 2020 to 2021, Vaccination Willingness, and Impact of the PandemicThe University of Luxembourg’s YAC study seeks to establish a comprehensive picture of young people aged 12 to 29 in…Read more
Young People and Covid-19 II: Entwécklungen 2020 bis 2021, Impfbereetschaft an Auswierkunge vun der PandemieD’Zil vun der YAC-Etüd vun der Universitéit Lëtzebuerg ass et, d’Situatioun vun de jonke Mënschen am Alter vun 12 bis…Read more
Young People and Covid-19 II : Développements de 2020 à 2021, disposition à se faire vacciner et répercussions de la pandémieL’étude YAC de l’Université du Luxembourg a pour objectif de représenter de façon détaillée et à l’aide de plusieurs points…Read more
Diversity, national identity, and political participation among young people in LuxembourgLuxembourg is known for its cultural and national diversity. Approximately 48% of the population is foreigners live in Luxembourg. For…Read more
Défis pour la politique et la pratiqueLe rapport sur la jeunesse 2020 fournit un état des lieux détaillé sur le bien-être et la santé des jeunes…Read more
Synopsis des principaux résultatsLe bien-être des jeunes luxembourgeois n’a guère changé au cours des années passées et est resté relativement stable à un…Read more