Lea SchomakerLea Schomaker is a scientific project collaborator for the Youth Survey Luxembourg (YSL) and Research (and Development) Specialist at the…Read more
Young people and Covid-19: Social, economic, and health consequences of infection prevention and control measures among young people in LuxembourgThis report compiles comprehensive information on methodological parameters adopted for the YAC survey in 2020.Read more
Young people and Covid-19: Social, economic, and health consequences of infection prevention and control measures among young people in LuxembourgThis report compiles comprehensive information on methodological parameters adopted for the cross-sectional YAC survey in 2021.Read more
Suizidgedanken und -verhalten Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener in Luxemburg. Zeigen sich Effekte der Covid-19-Pandemie?In diesem Bericht werden Daten des Youth Survey Luxembourg 2019 und des Projektes YAC verwendet. Der Youth Survey Luxembourg wurde…Read more
Young people and Covid-19: Social, economic, and health consequences of infection prevention and control measures among young people in LuxembourgThe Young People and COVID – 19: Social, Economic, and Health Consequences of Infection Prevention and Control Measures among Young…Read more
Young People and Covid-19 II: Evolution 2020 to 2021, Vaccination Willingness, and Impact of the PandemicThis document provides an overview of the empirical basis for the results we present in the report “Young People and…Read more
Young People and Covid-19 II: Desenvolvimentos de 2020 a 2021, disposição para a vacinação e impacto da pandemiaO estudo YAC da Universidade do Luxemburgo tem como objetivo retratar exaustivamente a situação dos jovens dos 12 aos 29…Read more
Young People and Covid-19 II: Evolution 2020 to 2021, Vaccination Willingness, and Impact of the PandemicThe University of Luxembourg’s YAC study seeks to establish a comprehensive picture of young people aged 12 to 29 in…Read more
Young People and Covid-19 II: Entwécklungen 2020 bis 2021, Impfbereetschaft an Auswierkunge vun der PandemieD’Zil vun der YAC-Etüd vun der Universitéit Lëtzebuerg ass et, d’Situatioun vun de jonke Mënschen am Alter vun 12 bis…Read more
Young People and Covid-19 II : Développements de 2020 à 2021, disposition à se faire vacciner et répercussions de la pandémieL’étude YAC de l’Université du Luxembourg a pour objectif de représenter de façon détaillée et à l’aide de plusieurs points…Read more
Diversity, national identity, and political participation among young people in LuxembourgLuxembourg is known for its cultural and national diversity. Approximately 48% of the population is foreigners live in Luxembourg. For…Read more
Young People and Covid-19 II: Entwicklungen 2020 bis 2021, Impfbereitschaft und Auswirkungen der PandemieDie YAC-Studie der Universität Luxemburg hat zum Ziel, die Situation der jungen Menschen im Alter von 12 bis 29 Jahren…Read more