Young people and Covid-19: Social, economic, and health consequences of infection prevention and control measures among young people in Luxembourg

Technical Report 2021. Longitudinal Survey

Caroline Residori, Lea Schomaker, Robin Samuel

The Young People and COVID – 19: Social, Economic, and Health Consequences of Infection Prevention and Control Measures among Young People in Luxembourg 1 – Technical Report 20 2 1 Longitudinal Survey compiles comprehensive information on methodological parameters adopted for the longitudinal YAC survey in 2021 as well as the practical implementation.

Suggested Citation

Schomaker, L., Residori, C. & Samuel, R. (2021). Young people and Covid-19: Social, economic, and health consequences of infection prevention and control measures among young people in Luxembourg: Technical Report 2021. Longitudinal Survey. Esch-sur-Alzette. University of Luxembourg (UL); Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse (MENJE).