
in Luxembourg youth research

Our working areas

Our projects in Luxembourg youth research correspond to four working areas: Social Reporting, Monitoring, Non-Formal Education, and Documentation.


Aspiring young scientists also have the opportunity to do their doctorate in the above-mentioned fields. Get to know the projects of our current candidates here.

Knowledge transfer

Our projects are built on stable data bases. Thanks to the data from the Youth Survey Luxembourg, for example, we were able to quickly launch the Young People and Covid-19 (YAC+) study in 2019. Data generated in our projects enable us to enrich the public debate with fact-based findings in the long term.

Robin Samuel

Professor for youth research and head of the Centre for Childhood and Youth Research

Our projects deal with all aspects of the life situation of young people in Luxembourg. The following considerations guide the development of new projects: To which scientific debates can youth research from and about Luxembourg contribute? Where do we still have knowledge gaps about youth in Luxembourg? What is the social relevance of a research project?

Our projects also contribute to the success of evidence-based policies for young people in Luxembourg: public decision-makers rely on information to set policy guidelines or plan measures.