Which educational experiences do young people have when they participate in youth work activities or when they are active in youth work? This study takes a look at the potential of education-oriented youth work in Luxembourg.
What characterizes projects in the field of non-formal education?
Projects in the field of research and evaluation on governance and practice of non-formal education research non-formal education, conduct basic social science research and evaluate structures in youth or social work with the aim to improve them.
We are particularly interested in how Luxembourg’s non-formal education spaces are developing. The public sector implements many measures that are specifically aimed at young people.
How well young people in Luxembourg accept these, and whether they meet their needs, is something we are also researching here. Evaluations have been conducted at the program and organizational levels, as well as on European projects.
Whether ongoing, continuous or completed, discover here all our projects in the field of research and evaluation of non-formal education.